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Wild Woman Page 12

  Loyal Manchu cavalry relieved the town a few days later, slaughtering large numbers of fleeing rebels and executing any they could catch by public dismemberment and exposure, so Isobel was recalled from her prophylactic duty of public evacuation and restored to her position in the little water-borne menagerie. She was now such an object of wonder as a creature of magical potency that although there were plenty who would pay to gawp, few were brave enough to risk having sex with her.

  The next harvest proved to be an adequate one, there now being fewer mouths to feed in the countryside. The circus sampan moved on in search of fresh audiences or cheaper opium, deeper into the interior, towards the area from which her owner had originated, the river still broad and brown and crowded with vessels of all sizes and every trade. Blue shapes in the distance with seeming impossible contours now were resolved into a range of extravagantly sugarloaf mountains, the vertical round topped peaks rising suddenly from thickly forested slopes through which the river emerged, cut into a deep gorge.

  Chapter Nine

  Tsang and his retinue gave their show at a fair below the walls of a small riverside town, where afterwards Isobel was presented as usual for the use of a handful of nervously excited debauchees. Raising her head as she felt her final user discharge into her, Isobel saw that she had a whole crowd of newcomers watching her performance. Her owner had brought a group of elderly men in long robes and towering headdresses behind the scenes. He tapped her sharply with his long stick, directing her to remain as she was, with the last user’s cum still dribbling wetly from her sex. She peered between her legs. The robed men, judging by their ages, held out no hope of a swift outcome to her night’s service. One ancient lifted up a few strands of her hair in withered fingers, showing the others and they crowded round her with excited cries, repeating the word ‘Yeren’ among themselves and exchanging occasional enquiries with her owner as to her origin and meeting only evasive replies. Her muzzle still prevented Isobel from expressing her own view of proceedings.

  At first, Isobel supposed that they were bargaining for a group rate for her use, but soon the sheer amount in silver coin being displayed before her owner’s eyes scuppered that theory, for she knew all too well by now her usual value was in small change. The ancients were the staff of some local temple and she was bought outright by these enthusiastic priests for what, so far as she could tell, was a surprisingly high sum, though her owner still remembered to retrieve the silver bell before he let her go. Ominously the acrobat girls wept as her cage was carried past them, going from the sampan to a wooden pagoda temple at the riverside, full of weird images of grimacing devils and strange beasts, gaudily painted and wreathed by the smoke of incense. In an open courtyard towards the river front, she was backed out from her cage with a great deal of fuss and excitement, kept secured meanwhile upon all fours, with two ropes attached to her collar and held on either side by two of the priests. Was she to be offered as some kind of sacrifice?

  The oldest priest had brought out from the recesses of the building an elaborately carved wooden box from which, when reverently opened, he removed a short wooden rod and a knobbly cylindrical object pinkish-grey in colour like a badly stuffed sausage, seeming almost a foot long. The nature of its origin was clear to Isobel, reminded of her training in the garden pavilion of Wang Tzu, though at the base of this sausage there had been fixed two fat round balloons. That shaft was surely the sexual equipment of some large animal, stuffed and preserved. The old man screwed the rod into one end of the sausage and hoisted it aloft, displaying it to the crowd something in the manner of a sacred image. They cheered and beat gongs enthusiastically. Carrying this obscene sceptre erect, he paced past Isobel and slowly ascended a flight of steps leading to a stone platform facing the river. At the top was a marble block with a central slot into which the staff of the sceptre was slid until the two false testicles met up with the marble base, the phallus standing up rigidly erect. Amid the rapid beating of gongs Isobel xxx was guided on hands and knees towards the broad steps and walloped with long rods to encourage her to ascend, the ancients also tugging her forward with their respective ropes. While she was slowly mounting to the summit, she was also anxiously examining the ominous phallus. It was definitely of animal origin, a leathery sheathing formed upon a wooden core, presuming by its rigidity. The smooth pink head reflected the sunlight glossily and the shaft, though inhumanly knobbly, carried an oily gleam, she was relieved to note. She was obviously meant to mount this in front of all these onlookers. She nearly faltered as she contemplated its rearing pinnacle. How had she come to this? Being exhibited stark naked to the public in the character of a wild animal, she had thought was the greatest humiliation that she could be put to! Now she was expected to perform a gross sexual act as the centre-piece of a magical ceremony, in front of what seemed to be the whole population.

  But she knew how the mood of such a superstitious assembly could turn swiftly to extremes of cruelty, and that to preserve herself she must continue to act out their deluded fancies however base. She reached the block and rising erect upon her knees took a deep breath and began to give the best performance as she understood to be required of her. She caressed the object that she was meant to mount as if in adoration, confirming that the surface not only felt like leather, but was well-greased and slippery. The shaft was big indeed, but she was sure that she had taken real ones of nearly that size and it was nowhere near the girth of a yam. The two huge testicles now lay loosely on the marble, their surfaces by contrast to the shaft, furry to the eye like outsize tennis balls. The banging of gongs and chanting meanwhile had reached a crescendo of noise. She dared not draw back now. Head bowed, her cloud of hair almost concealing her face from the onlookers, she centred herself over the tip of the head and lowered onto it inch by inch, twisting her hips this way and that to ease the lips of her slot as they parted over the rounded cone.

  It was more unyielding than a human one would have been but the slipperiness made up for some of that. She slid slowly onto the shaft, feeling the slight easing as her channel stretched to assimilate the bulky head. The rounded knobs meant that every inch of the shaft swallowed was an experience. Splaying her thighs. she bent forward. planting her palms flat on the marble to take some of the weight. As she sank the last few inches she felt the soft roundness of the testicles press resistantly against her bottom and then, as they slowly give way beneath her weight, a brief squirt of wetness was produced within her. She nearly shot up off the penetration in her first shock, but then pulling herself together and reflecting upon the entire artificial nature of the event, she recovered her nerve and began to move slowly up and down as if riding a rampant lover. Every time she sank down on the last of the shaft the same squirt was repeated, with the balloons flattening more and more easily beneath her as a consequence. Liquid filled her womb, bathed the rising erection and oozing down the shaft between it and her vaginal sheath, lubricating her further, squirted out and ran in little white trickles across the marble before her. She became conscious of a strange whistling noise between her thighs, growing louder as more of the liquid content of the hollow balls was replaced by air, a sound that grew into a prolonged fart as they sank beneath her descending hindquarters and announced that they were quite flattened at last.

  The gongs ceased at this and an air of satisfied accomplishment filled the temple. The two ancients who held the ropes mounted the steps and guided Isobel in lifting off her impalement and returning her, still creeping upon all fours, to the foot of the steps. There was a long pause while the priests inspected in turn the phallus, the spillage on the marble and Isobel’s wet and sticky vagina and thighs. This seemed satisfactory, their choice having proved her capacity. They chanted, burned more incense and beat on gongs again, before an ornate litter was produced, decorated with swathes of red silk and green fronds of bamboo. Isobel was mounted upon this, her body prostrated lengthwise along the narrow ridge of a small trestle that suppor
ted her in the all fours position, with elbows and knees fastened securely each to a leg of the trestle, head and tail overhanging at either end and her breasts dangling either side of the ridge.

  Followed by a thronging enthusiastic crowd of priests, worshippers, sight-seers and beggars, she was ferried slowly across the brown river. On the wilderness side, amongst great stacks of newly felled bamboo poles and a litter of trampled fronds, her litter was hoisted onto the shoulders of several bearers, so that she was displayed high above the crowd. From here on the escort was entirely male, some younger priests carrying heavy baskets of fruit, and many of the followers armed with spears or bows. Carrying her aloft ominously like an offering, the procession wound its way upwards through the bamboo forest that clothed the entire mountainside. By this time it was growing dark and the narrow track became defined by flaming torches and bobbing lanterns, their progress accompanied by nervously discordant chanting and a frantic noisy bedlam of drums and gongs until they arrived before a small wooden shrine amid the bamboos, set at the back of a small open rock platform.

  The thatched roof of the primitive shrine sheltered a rock painting of a grimacing demon, the torches reflecting off white circles of the eyes and sharply grinning fangs in a red mouth. Isobel was set swiftly down in the open on the flat rock before the shrine. The crowd milled for a few moments while the priests conducted a hasty debate, then both her collar and muzzle were removed, although she was left still fixed by her limbs to the trestle. Then with their torches burning low, they dropped their baskets and retreated hastily back into the trees. The bobbing lights of lanterns and torches soon disappeared from her sight, and the sound of shuffling feet, the click of stones and the jabbering voices, now nervously elated, diminished rapidly out of hearing down the path, they were not staying to see what became of her!

  Hours seemed to pass and Isobel at last tired of her helpless vigil, and sank into an uneasy doze, only stirring with a start now and then when animals or birds broke the silence of the warm night. Then she woke abruptly to full alertness. Close at hand, she could hear the sound of animals snuffling, of low grunting and see vague moving shapes in the darkness. Incapable of flight, she listened nervously to the sound of numerous crunching jaws and occasional squabbling grunts and scuffles, expecting that her end would be to be eaten by some wild beast, sexual expertise would be of no avail to her with mere animals! But nothing seemed disposed to approach her. Dawn struck earlier at the mountain shrine than over the low country, which was still shrouded in mist and darkness when against the dawn sky, Isobel made out a silhouetted row of figures of varying heights squatting along the platform edge. With the growing light they were resolved into a row of creatures like huge monkeys, males, females and young.

  The males were noticeably bigger than the females who themselves were not far off Isobel’s own size, some nursing babies or cuddling young. The skin of the adults was light brown in colour, where not covered by a coat of long red hair, darker on the face with a bluish tinge on the big nose. The females were less hirsute than the males and the babies almost naked. The breasts of the females were phenomenally large and paler than the rest of them, with large jutting nipples. Their squatting posture revealed the males to be similarly equipped with impressively large sexual characteristics. If these were monkeys, their large pale eyes were very shrewd and intelligent as they examined Isobel from head to foot in their turn. They seemed to be conversing between themselves in a medley of low hoarse hooting and grunting sounds, which would not be difficult to imitate. One of the females had pointed to Isobel and then to her own breasts and her neighbour’s breasts, making a sound which Isobel immediately replicated, wriggling so that her breasts came more into prominence, feeling that hers could readily bear comparison with theirs. There was a stir and giggling sounds among the females who thrust out their own breasts and seemed indeed to be proudly comparing their size. A female approached Isobel and, putting out a long hand, stroked the red hair, cooing admiringly. Her own was short though bushy. Isobel could see the males were all in a state of semi-arousal, each with a lolling penis lying before them upon the smooth stone, extraordinarily pink and as big as a polony sausage on a butcher’s slab. They would undoubtedly have seemed dangerous to the diminutive local women. Isobel, of course, already knew that she had been measured and found adequate.

  The biggest male suddenly sprang forward and Isobel squeaked in anticipation, but he merely fingered the lashings upon her wrists. The female patted Isobel, repeating her cooing noises as the male bent his huge head. His eyes, like the female’s, were rounded and of a light colour, his blue nose bulbous and his heavy jaws protruding forward. Isobel felt his mobile lips and huge teeth against her skin and then he bit through the cords that held her in position, one after another, finally twitching the wooden trestle out from under her with one hand and hurling it easily aside. Isobel drew herself up gratefully but uncertainly into a crouch. She looked helplessly at the female creature who patted her encouragingly, but her liberator merely sat back chuckling, his pale round-eyed gaze blinking as if comparing this disparate pair of females. Isobel remembered her tusks and the lost fastening, reaching a finger inside her mouth and braving the pain to pull them free. The male’s eyes widened and he chuckled deep in his throat. Holding his nearly rigid penis in one hand in a gesture, as it seemed of invitation, his gaze fixed eagerly upon Isobel as he stretched out the other as if inviting her forward.

  “Yes,” Isobel said almost without thinking and then decided instantly that it was too late to repine, for it was obvious that all the creatures had caught the tone. They came crowding eagerly close, male and female alike. Many hands lifted Isobel forward onto her hands and knees with the big male in the most significant position right behind her. Sighing with resignation and then appreciation she felt the huge penis enter and fill her tightly, forcing its way into a vagina long accustomed to the equipment of a smaller variety of male. Her quick assessment had already noted that even the smallest male, just a youngster probably, had a penis as big as any local human. One of the females pressed against her, a soft breast jiggling liquidly against her mouth and Isobel licked the nipple, tasting milk, and then in a fit of sudden sisterly feeling took it into in her lips, sucking and nibbling the little fleshy nub. Another breast bounced the first aside and Isobel treated that in turn, cheeks jostled on both sides now by softly bulging curves.

  Nimble fingers meanwhile were stroking her stiffening clitoris in the closest kind of proximity to the big penis that was being pumped steadily in and out of her, stretching and straining her passage, the two sensations combining with an effect totally confusing their origin. Amid the shifting furry bodies, the combined output of warm breath reached Isobel’s nostrils redolent of sexual arousal. Female thighs rose up to replace breasts, a soft furry mound and swollen naked sex-lips thrusting forward for Isobel’s attention. She knew little of this particular skill, but used her lips and tongue with willing resort to instinct, rewarded by her breasts being dextrously fondled by narrow female hands and soft lips, both nipples simultaneously becoming stiff and sensitive between their different attendants. Isobel’s brain became dizzy with the competing sensations being applied to different parts of her body. In her ears was a burble of happy sounds from all about her, like a nursery-full of gleeful children, at odds with the very adult nature of the game, the energetic sexual interaction of all the participants. Isobel writhed and squirmed responsively, abandoning all hesitation as she felt the waves of orgasm rapidly building. She opened her own mouth to produce a note of her own, eager to attract attention and did so, for it was promptly filled by an eagerly thrusting penis. She satisfied that one and something else took her attention. Sometimes she was licking a clitoris, sometimes swallowing a penis. Her groping hands found sometimes a slackened penis to be stiffened, sometimes a female orifice to be penetrated and explored.

  The sun rose towards noon upon a pile of bodies, golden brown skin and s
ilky reddish hair, half buried among them, creamier curves of flesh and a spilling flood of longer hair of exactly the same hue. Down in the valley the mist on the river had dissipated and the faint sound of a temple gong ascended to the heights of the mountain. The troupe of creatures stirred, clucking and hooting with growing vigour. They assembled into a rough order, biggest males in the lead, mothers in the middle, oldest females to the rear. One of the females extended a hand towards Isobel as she clambered awkwardly to her feet, striving though as usual without so much as a comb to control her hair. Isobel accepted the hand without hesitation and they trotted after the rest as they disappeared up the mountainside through the bamboo forest. At first she had trouble keeping up, but then as it became clear to the rest of the troupe that she was less able to climb fast, the biggest male turned back and picking her up, sped on upward carrying her draped across his shoulder.

  Chapter Ten

  The Reverend Theophilus Graves of the South China Evangelical Mission descended from his palanquin and hastened to assist his wife, Amelia-Jane, from hers, leaving the coolies to squat incuriously a little apart, sharing their little store of tobacco. Primly shaking the hoops and ruffles of her dark crinoline into order, she accompanied her husband across the marble paving to the wide balustrade that limited the platform, both exclaiming over the view. Below them the paved path, by which they had climbed, wound in an interminable series of hairpins among the tiers of narrow rice fields laboriously terraced into the steep mountainside. At the foot where the ferryboat lay alongside the quay amid a cluster of tiled roofs, the river was crowded with busy native craft and smoking river steamers. The spreading buildings of the city lined the opposite bank above the commercial quays with coal smoke belching from pottery kilns and foundries, while beyond its now redundant walls the mosaic of rice fields and villages spread across the plain as far as the blue slopes of the further mountains. Turning at last from this satisfying view of modern progress, they made a slow tour of the painted figures on the walls of the little tile-roofed shrine amid its small clump of bamboos. They paused before the unusual figure of the principal demoness, giant-sized, with a russet halo framing her dark blue-black face, ferociously pointed white teeth showing in a bloodily dripping mouth. Amelia-Jane flinched a little in embarrassment as she took in the huge and contrastingly white breasts of the demoness. Really, these heathen had no sense of shame!